Twilio Docs

Job Description: Software Developer at Twilio

At Twilio, I was a software developer responsible for developing the Documentation Platform, which provided customers with seamless access to Twilio's communications API's. The platform was built on Wagtail, a CMS built with Django.

Key Contributions:

Tutorials and Quickstarts

  • Developed Tutorials and Quickstarts for Twilio's communications API's using various programming languages including Python, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, Java, and C#.
  • These resources helped developers to easily integrate Twilio's API's into their applications.

Site Redesign

  • Part of the team that redesigned Twilio's documentation site to improve the user experience and make it more intuitive to use.

Code Sample Generation API

  • Developed a Code Sample Generation API using Python and Django REST that enabled developers to generate code samples for Twilio's API's in various programming languages.

Development of TwilioQuest v0

  • Developed TwilioQuest v0, a game-based learning platform that teaches developers how to use Twilio's API's.
  • It was built using Vue.js and Wagtail.

Modification and Extension of Wagtail CMS

  • Modified and extended the functionality of Wagtail CMS to improve its performance and make it more suitable for Twilio's use case.

Tech Stack:

  • HTML, JavaScript
  • Wagtail, Django, Python
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PHP with Laravel
  • Java with Spring
  • Node.js
  • C# with .NET Core
  • AWS, EC2, RDS
  • Jira

Note: The tech stack is inclusive of the technologies used in the development of the Twilio platform and may not be a comprehensive list of all the technologies used at Twilio.